27. Leyinibi

When Feyinti and Leyenibi in Kuweti, are married under strange circumstances – not unrelated to a custom of the land – with the full consent of Kubura, Feyinti’s first wife, Feyinti and Kubura are made aware of the following by Leyenibi’s parents: Leyenibi is very sensitive about the size of her breast – huge and out of proportion with the rest of her body – and it is a taboo for anyone to refer to them in any way. If this were to happen Leyenibi will leave them; secondly, she must never be without her fan – a special fan made for her for an affliction.


When Feyinti and Leyenibi in Kuweti, are married under strange circumstances – not unrelated to a custom of the land – with the full consent of Kubura, Feyinti’s first wife, Feyinti and Kubura are made aware of the following by Leyenibi’s parents: Leyenibi is very sensitive about the size of her breast – huge and out of proportion with the rest of her body – and it is a taboo for anyone to refer to them in any way. If this were to happen Leyenibi will leave them; secondly, she must never be without her fan – a special fan made for her for an affliction.

When Feyinti and Leyenibi fall in love unexpectedly, Kubura becomes excessively jealous and vindictive. She starts to treat Leyenibi badly until one day when Leyenibi stands up to her, she ridicules her breasts, triggering off all sorts of feelings in Leyenibi.  Whether she loves their husband or not Leyenibi has to get away from this woman, this town, with haste.  In her hurry she forgets her fan.

As she rushes off, Kubura tries to stop her waving the fan frantically.  Leyenibi is faster than Kubura, and the latter cannot catch up, and one wonders what will happen next.

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