25, Lokode

Lokode finally accepts Gbolade’s proposal of marriage unaware that a death penalty awaits any woman who does not know her husband-to-be’s ‘oriki’ (lineage praise).


Lokode finally accepts Gbolade’s proposal of marriage unaware that a death penalty awaits any woman who does not know her husband-to-be’s ‘oriki’ (lineage praise).

Gbolade convinces Lokode to marry him, even though he is still married.  His wife is about to leave him for another man, and it is not uncommon for the men of the land to have two wives.  However, Jade, the wife is jealous of Lokode, and when she learns by chance about the ‘oriki penalty’, she reports Lokode to the Oba, convinced that Lokode does not know Gbolade’s ‘oriki’.

The Oba of Ogudu is known to be obsessed with the culture and tradition of the land.  Certain procedures and practises have to be carried out or observed at events such as weddings.  At weddings, the practices would certainly include bringing the bride forward to praise worship (ki) – to recite the groom’s ‘oriki’ for everyone to hear.  It is unheard of if this fails to happen and a sacrilege in the Oba’s books – punishable by death.

Short of divine intervention, how can Lokode escape her fate?  What happens on the wedding day will have an impact not only on the Oba, but also on the whole town.

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