31. Ijapa (Tortoise) and Ehoro (Hare)

The animals, especially those who live in groups in the forest, are known for competing with each other as to who is the strongest, fastest, biggest, etc.  When one day in Lagoni, where Ijapa lives, there is a footrace – the first of its kind – to decide who is the fastest animal, and Erin is declared the winner, Ehoro is very angry because he believes that he is the fastest animal, and was not made aware of the footrace.  He is very nasty to Erin, and Ijapa challenges him to a footrace.


The animals, especially those who live in groups in the forest, are known for competing with each other as to who is the strongest, fastest, biggest, etc.  When one day in Lagoni, where Ijapa lives, there is a footrace – the first of its kind – to decide who is the fastest animal, and Erin is declared the winner, Ehoro is very angry because he believes that he is the fastest animal, and was not made aware of the footrace.  He is very nasty to Erin, and Ijapa challenges him to a footrace.

Pretending that he has developed some techniques for moving fast, he sets some conditions for the footrace, playing on Ehoro’s shortcomings. It must be a long distance one, with stops mapped out at every mile.  Unknown to Ehoro, Ijapa plants his relatives (dressed alike) close to each demarcated spot, but hidden from sight.    As soon as they hear Ehoro approaching, they rush out quickly from their hiding place one by one, pretending to be Ijapa, and place themselves either in front, behind or beside Ehoro.  The whole event leaves Ehoro perplexed, bewildered and exhausted, and it looks as if he is in for more than he bargains for.

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