picture of a huge elephant with a tortoise in front of him going into a town to be king in a yoruba folktale, with people cheering, dancing with music and fanfare.

6. Ijapa (Tortoise) and Erin (Elephant)

A long time ago, the world was very different. Humans and animals had much in common, lived side by side,...

picture of a tortoise, rat and a squirrel at a market place in a yoruba folktale, fighting with tortoise beating the rat with a stick.

5. Why Ijapa’s Nose is Very Small (Ijapa, Asin and Okere)

Why Tortoise (Ijapa)’s Nose Is Very Small (Ijapa, Asin and Ọkẹrẹ) A long, long time ago, when the world was...

picture of a tortoise in distress, in a yoruba folktale, with burnt head, holding a deep cap with piping hot porridge yam.

4. Why Ijapa Is Bald

A long time ago, the world was very different. Humans and animals had much in common, lived side by side,...

picture of a tortoise in distress in a yoruba folktale showing his very large and extended stomach walking outside his town with people looking at him

3. How Tortoise (Ijapa)’s Stomach Became Hollow (Ijapa and Babalawo)

3. How Tortoise (Ijapa)’s Stomach Became Hollow (Ijapa and Babalawo) A long, long time ago in Teregun, a town in...