30. Ijapa (Tortoise), Erin (Elephant) and Erinmilokun (Hippopotamus)

Ijapa, now living in Lagoni, has become good friends with Erin and Erinmilokun, the biggest animals on land and in the deep river, but finds two things annoying about them; they like boasting about their size and strength, and they also like teasing Ijapa about his size.  Ijapa warns them again and again that he does not like their behaviour, but they ignore him.


Ijapa, now living in Lagoni, has become good friends with Erin and Erinmilokun, the biggest animals on land and in the deep river, but finds two things annoying about them; they like boasting about their size and strength, and they also like teasing Ijapa about his size.  Ijapa warns them again and again that he does not like their behaviour, but they ignore him. After some time, he decides to teach them a lesson.  He challenges them to a tug-of-war – to show them that he is stronger than the two of them.  He will use his strength to pull Erin into the sea with a rope, and pull Erinmilokun out of the sea with a rope onto the land.  They finally agree and Ijapa puts his plan into motion.

The contest is a spectacle to behold as the two biggest animals put everything they have into the tug-of-war, believing that it is Ijapa they are pulling, but it is each other they are pulling.  Neither is able to pull the other far enough as they are both of equal strength, and the whole event will have an impact on the sea and land animals, with many unanswered questions thereafter.

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