picture of a tug-of-war between an elephant and a hippopotamus in yoruba folktale - one at sea, one on land - unable to see each other, and tortoise in the middle watching.

30. (Tortoise), Erin (Elephant) and Erinmilokun (Hippopotamus)

A long time ago, the world was very different. Humans and animals had much in common, lived side by side,...

picture of a king (oba) in a yoruba folktale at a festival surrounded by his town's people watching a young man who is guessing what food and drink are being served.

29. Akuruntegun

A long time ago in Malawa, a town in a faraway land, there was an Ọba (ruler) – the richest...

picture of a princess in a Yoruba folktale crying, standing in front of a young man who has accused her of stealing some honey.

28. The Princess Who Could Not Speak

There was once an Ọba (ruler) in a town called Akeke, in a faraway land, who had several wives. The...

picture of a woman in a yoruba folktale, running after another woman who has left her fan behind, to stop her from leaving their town waving the fan.

27. Lẹyẹnibi

A very long time ago in Kuweti, a town in a faraway land, there lived a farmer, called Fẹyinti, and...

picture of a king (oba) in a yoruba folktale surrounded by his people in a field watching a fire burning and rain pouring.

26. The Contest Between Ina (Fire) and Ojo (Rain)

A long time ago, the world was very different. In a land far away, in the town of Pelewu, lived...

picture of a young woman in a yoruba folktale standing in front of a king (oba) in his palace surrounded by his town's people at a festival.

25. Lọkọde

Many years ago, in a land far away, in the town of Ogudu, lived a young woman called Lọkọde. Lọkọde...

piture of three yoruba boys in a yoruba folktale in a yorubaland who are bantering, joking about their expertise in their three areas of work: fishing, palm-tree climbing/palm-oil making, and hunting, in the fresh air and a tortoise (ijapa) spying on them.

24. Ijapa (Tortoise) and the three Brothers

A long, long time ago, in Makadu, a town in a faraway land there was an old man called Saka,...

picture of a proud yruba ayaba (king' wiife) in a yoruba folktale in a yorubaland who is put in charge of all the rules and regulations of the palace including assignments of duties and she uses this to her advantage to ill-treat another ayaba - younger than her.

23. The Dishonest Wife (Afigbaṣoyun)

A long, long time ago, when the world was very different from the way it is today, there lived an...

picture of hunter in a yoruba folktale in a forest facing an enraged enemy and his three dogs coming to his rescue.

22. The Hunter’s Best Friend

A long, long time ago in Ijafa – a town in a faraway land there was a hunter called Ogunmọla...

picture of a yoruba akara-seller (beanb-based food) in a yoruba folktale in a yorualand (iya-alakara) frying ‘akara o l’ ororo’ (akara made with groundnut oil) in her stall, in front of her house and a queue in front of her stall.

21. Ijapa (Tortoise) and Iya-Alakara (Akara Seller)

A very, very long time ago, there was a female akara (beans-based food) seller (Iya-Alakara) who lived in Eweko, the...

picture of a woman at a river in a Yoruba folktale carrying a calabash with locust-beans running agains the current in pursue of a single locust-bean

20. The Locust-Bean Seller (Iya-Oniru)

A long, long time ago in Makawa – a town in a faraway land, there was a locust-bean seller (Iya-Oniru)....

picture of a very good-looking yoruba man in a yoruba folktale in a yorubaland who notices a very beautiful yoruba woman following behind him, begs her to go home - to turn back.

19. Amọla and the Hunter

A long, long time ago, in Kasawa, a town in a faraway land there was a girl called Amọla. Amọla,...