A young girl’s life is in turmoil when, unknown to her parents, she is being terrorized by an evil woman in Idoja.
Saraya’s parents have no choice but to leave their daughter alone when they go to work from morning to evening. One day a strange, scary looking woman forces her way into the house, and uses different tactics to gain Saraya’s confidence. When Saraya realizes that all the woman wants is to steal the food left her by her parents and on a regular basis, and the woman threatens her, she is very badly shaken, but decides not to tell her parents about it. From a very lively, happy child she becomes subdued, silent, nervous and fearful. She starts to lose weight.
The effect Olomuroro’s daily visit is having on Saraya is of great concern to her parents, who start to probe her repeatedly, imploring her to tell them if she is afraid of something or someone until Saraya is forced to disclose her harrowing experience with Olomuroro.
Investigations about the woman lead to shocking, sinister and horrifying revelations that shake not only the village of Idoha, but also nearby towns, to the core, and an immediate action is required.